Scary stuff - especially FMD. I really don't know how the Brits handled their outbreak in 2001, but if it were to get going here, it would be an economic disaster, even for those of us in the organic/natural community. These diseases respect no boundries ...
CDATA, Kearney, Neb. - The reality of bioterrorism in the world today has created the need for stepped up Homeland Security measures being implemented in the many different aspects of agriculture.
(link) [Prairie Star]00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
This not only pushes the boundries of law, but of common sense and good taste as well...
For over half a century, kits have been sold that enable military history buffs to assemble scale models of military ships, aircraft and vehicles. But that era is coming to an end, as the manufacturers of the original equipment, especially aircraft, are demanding high royalties (up to $40 per kit) from the kit makers.
(link) [Due Diligence]
via Moore's Lore
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
It took them years of studies and who knows how much money to discover the obvious ...
CDATA BELTSVILLE, Md. (ARS) - An organic crop rotation is at least as sustainable as no-till farming or chisel tillage in terms of nitrogen loss and corn yields, according to an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study.
(link) [Prairie Star]00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link