Guy's going Yule shopping don't stand a chance ... perhaps this explains the increasing popularity of gift cards!
That size 8 dress may be a 6 or even a 4 at other stores. When it comes to women's clothing, sizes are in the eye of the retailer.
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As the author of this asks: who's the real enemy here, crazed Islamic terrorists or gay translators? The government's answer is obvious. As well as wrong.
While thousands of hours of recordings go untranslated, the military has been discharging translators for being gay...
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stick around, it'll change! At least that's the way the old saying goes, and this season it applies to the Hoosier heartland, if nowhere else!
So far in January, we've had 9.52 inches (about 24 cm.) of precipitation, mostly in the form of rain. I thought about renaming this place "Hammerstead Lakes".... the water got so far up out of the creek as to threaten the henhouse, nearly 150 yards from it's banks.
Some of that moisture came last Wednesday as an ice storm. I still haven't got all of the limbs cleaned up, because I haven't been able to get my truck back into any of the paddocks or the yard to pick them up. Hel, I've barely been able to get back there myself.
You see, last Friday the temperature started climbing - yesterday was the first day in a week it had dipped below the freezing point. And what a dip it took, too: the high yesterday morning was 64° F (almost 18° C), while the low last night was 17° F (8° C).
Given all of the rain we've had, when the temperature is above freezing the paddocks are essentially a muck pit: even the cattle have difficulty navigating. While putting out some hay in the round bale feeder on Tuesday I sank up to my knees in the goo - had to try to clamber up on the feeder itself and dance/hop towards the gate to get out.
The high temperatures and high humidity have led to some other consequences:fog. The Indiana Toll road was basically shut down most of yesterday: visibility was reported at less than 25 feet!
But today it's dry, and cold. So today is officially "Work Outside Day" - get on the thermal undies and hit the paddocks! Consequently, I may not blog much for a day or two - it depends, like everything else around here, on the weather.
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