Can You Explain It?

Will somebody please explain to me, again, how moving the hands on a mechanical device (or resetting an electronic timer) creates extra daylight?

Mercifully, I live in an area that doesn't believe in this bit of modern "magic" - consequently I don't have to set or reset my clocks twice a year. And, funny thing is, I seem to have the same amount of daylight here as my neighbors in Ohio and Illinois do ... imagine that!

Here's a bit of the history of this idiotic idea.

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Does Redskins Loss Presage A Kerry Win?

Probably as good a predictor as any, at this point.

The last home game the Redskins play before the election has predicted who will win since 1944. Well, the Redskins v. Green Bay game ended a few hours ago and it looks as though Kerry is going to win on Tuesday.

(link) [Slashdot]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

The Coca Plant That Wouldn't Die

It's Coca Farmers vs Monsanto and the Drug Warriors: at the end of the first inning, it's Farmers 1, Drug Warriors 0. The Farmers have taken control of the game based on their superior experience - they've been at this sort of thing for the last ten millennia or so, while the Monsanto and the Drug Warriors have less than a century of combined time in the race.

The war on Colombia's drug lords is losing ground to an herbicide-resistant supershrub. Is it a freak of nature -- or a genetically modified secret weapon? By Joshua Davis from Wired magazine.

(link) [Wired News]

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link