Reading this, I was struck by how the number and purposes of some of the artifacts seem to be in complete congruence with modern Asatru thought: nine rings and nine bells, for example ("nine by nine the Choosers ride"). Of course, this is just a surface comparison, but if the grave really is Samartian, it would go a long way towards proving the basis of a coherent Proto Indo-European mythology: which would, potentially, help to fill many of the gaps we find in our lore. Fascinating stuff ...
An astonishing find will keep Russian archaeologists occupied for quite some time. Archaeological expedition from the Russian Ust-Alminsk region has made yet another sensational discovery.
via Pagan Prattle
00:00 /Asatru | 1 comment | permanent link
Scary people, with a scary ideology, and friends in high places ... It's a real turn off to folks like me, who support Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East, to find themselves political bedmates with the likes of this.
House majority leader Tom DeLay (R) of Texas, while visiting the area, said, "I don't see occupied territory; I see Israel." Speaking on the Senate floor, Sen. James Inhofe (R) of Oklahoma said Israel had a right to the land "because God said so."
In a 2002 appearance on Chris Matthews's "Hardball" show, former Rep. Richard Armey (R) of Texas, then House majority leader, proclaimed his support for "transporting" the Palestinians to other countries.
Christian Zionists are growing in influence, even as they fight for policies their critics say work against peace in the Mideast.
(link) [Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]00:00 /Asatru | 1 comment | permanent link
Ye gads: a positive reason to vote for Kerry. If he's serious - which given the level of support the Dems traditionally get from Hollywood and the music biz, one must certainly doubt. Those lobbies don't want the DMCA defanged, they want it strengthened!
CNET Washington watcher Declan McCullagh says the senator's first major departure from Bush hints at bolstering consumer rights over copyrights.
(link) [CNET]00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Excellent analysis by Nicholas Petreley of the claim that Windows only gets the lion's share of virus hits because it's so ubiquitous. It's systemic and design flaws, and not market penetration, open vs. closed source or any other excuse. Windows is just sloppier ... imagine that!
Considering the publicity that has surrounded - and, despite super new security-focused Service Packs, continues to surround - Windows security issues, Microsoft's determination to demonstrate that Linux is less secure than Windows shows a certain chutzpah.
(link) [The Register]00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link