Having taken "the quiz", apparently I'm an
00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link
Here's the perfect match for your librarian action figure: The Philosophical Powers. "The Greatest Minds of All Time Now Have Bodies to Match!"
And if your philosopy turns towards a more Eastern path, you could always substitute the Buddhist action figures instead. These have the added advantage of being real products, but probably only available in Japan.
You really can find anything on the 'Net...
via Laudator Temporis Acti and AntiPixel
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
You are a Modernist Heathen. Although you do respect the fact that Heathenry has its roots in ancient Germanic history and culture, you also believe that any religion should be relevant to its own followers' time and place. Innovation and personal insights that don't contradict the spirit of the lore are welcome, as long as they don't mix Germanic and non-Germanic belief systems unnecessarily.
Note that this different from the quiz I took last year by the same name.
What kind of Heathen are you, REALLY?00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link