Google's Math Puzzle

What an interesting recruiting tactic! The billboards simply say

{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com.

This leads to a website with another puzzle problem, and eventually to a request for a resume - if you're smart enough to get that far.

Commuters in Cambridge, Mass., are scratching their heads over signs challenging passers-by to solve a complicated math problem. The mysterious banners are actually a job-recruiting pitch from Google.

(link) [Slashdot: ]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Microsoft tells music biz to 'back lock-down CD standard'

The Evil Empire strikes again ...

Many independent labels are rumoured to be terrified by the proposal, our sources suggest, which could grant Microsoft the mandate on CD copy protection and, if it is accepted by the industry, potentially increase the costs of CD production.

And they should be scared - in fact, so should the "big" labels.

Gives three weeks to make up mind...

(link) [The Register]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link