If The Dems nominated Jesus H. Christ

from Mad Magazine via Wildhunt Blog

00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link

House passes frivolous lawsuit bill

This is why I wince every time I even think about supporting a Democrat for public office:

Democrats did succeed in blocking another bill, which would have provided youth athletic leagues, school athletic associations and other nonprofit sports groups immunity from lawsuits if the harm did not involve willful or criminal misconduct.

Basically, these bozos think it's perfectly acceptable for parents to sue the Little League pitcher that beaned their boy with an out of control fastball. Not only are they out to stifle youth sports, but even the playground must be redesigned for safety and accomodation of everybody.

House Republicans pushed through legislation Tuesday aimed at reducing frivolous lawsuits.

(link) [CNN]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Convert or Get Dumped

Well, you might get dumped anyway! In fact, you probably will!

Some think this is a joke: I've read over the forums, and, well, it's hard to tell. But I'm leaning towards it being a serious effort: wingnuts come in all shapes, after all. And it says something about Christian missionary efforts that such a site could be regarded as serious, even if it is a joke! It gives me hope for Heathenry eventually becoming the majority religion.

Hello, my name is Tamara! As you can probably tell, I'm a Christian who loves Jesus and cares for all humans, even the wicked. What you probably don't know is that I'm hot. My picture below isn't really that good. I want to use my beauty for GOD, and want to encourage my sisters in Christ to do the same, according to the Great Commission.

(link) [Date to Save: Missionary Dating Ministry]

via Pagan Prattle Online

00:00 /Asatru | 2 comments | permanent link