Man milks cow for free 'Moolatte'

Hey: it's a Highland! Too bad CNN couldn't find a picture of a Highland to go with the story. Bonus points if you can identify the breed of cattle shown in the graphic.

On a more serious note, though, this is a great way to get a little free publicity. We do similar thinjgs by taking our livestock to farmer's markets and other venues.

Rancher Skip Hougland figured it was an offer he couldn't refuse. Bring in a cow, get a free "Moolatte."

(link) [CNN]

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link

Winamp Skin Exploit in the Wild

This isn't really a WinAmp exploit, though. It's a cunning way to cicumvent Internet Explorer's 'zone' restrictions. Nobody's sure if SP2 fixes it or not - but this is one more reason I'm glad I run Firebird on my Windoze box. has announced an exploit (derived from xml escaping the Internet zone into IE's local zone) that exploits Winamp's habit of automatically installing skins. Currently all versions of Winamp are affected. Details on the Winamp forums - apparently an exploit is already in the wild, and spreading.

(link) [Slashdot: ]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link