When Think Tanks Attack

A simple tale of "follow the money" ....

The Alexis de Tocqueville Institution is only one of a dozen different think tanks that have attacked Open Source. Why are all these think tanks so down on Open Source? Well, the Small Business Survival Committee is concerned that using open source will expose small business to the risk of lawsuits. Citizens Against Government Waste is concerned that the government might waste money on Open Source. Defenders of Property Rights is concerned that Open Source might be a threat to intellectual property rights. However, I was able to detect a common theme to all their criticism. They all seem to be funded by Microsoft.

(link) [Slashdot]

00:00 /Technology | 1 comment | permanent link

US chastity crusade gets cool response in secular Britain

My questions on this have little, if anything, to do with "abstinence education". I don't care if some private charity wants to spread it's message, however absurd. My concerns have to do with the Federal government funding (to the tune of $700,000) this organization, headed by one Denny Pattyn, an ordained minister. Is this another of Bush's "faith based" programs?

The 'Silver Ring Thing' tour, which touts the virtues of abstinence, is proving controversial before it has even started.

(link) [Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

P2P bill draws key backing in Senate

OK, so this bill, as mentioned here earlier, is getting scarier. Save the children, indeed...

Utah's Orrin Hatch says some companies that promote music file trading are "inducing children to steal."

(link) [CNET News.com]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link