Why Bush Supports Israel So Steadfastly

I read with some interest an entry appearing on Secular Blasphemy the other day, entitled Kerry supports Rantissi assassination, Bush policy changes. Jan, a Norweigen atheist, is a supporter of Israel. As, in fact, is this Hoosier Heathen. So is John Kerry. But Id' wager none of us supports Israel for the same reasons the Bush administration supports Israel.

I've run into this in my own family, many of whom sincerely believe that it is their duty as Christians to support Israel - and they'd dutifully support an Israeli nuclear strike on Paris, London or New York because of it!

To the best of my knowledge there are no Jews in Jefferson Township, Boone County, Indiana. And I daresay that most of the folks around here have never so much as met a Jew - yet the little country church down the road from me had a fund raising for the release Jonathon Pollard, whom they consider as "God's Patriot" for helping Israel, never mind that he sold his countries dearest defense intelligence secrets to a foreign power. The only things that's kept this traitor in prison is the threatened resignation of most of the intelligence community were any politician to release him.

It's one thing to admire a small nation struggling for it's very survival against hordes of enemies who use the most reprehensible means of warfare. It's quite another to support them because they're doing the Lord's work in bringing on Armageddon.

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Bush Campaign Seeks Help From Thousands of Congregations

This alone would be reason enough to vote against Bush this fall. The man is bound and determined to make sure we're a "Christian republic" - from his divisive stance on same-sex marriages to his faith-based charities program. The man is a religious nutcase - a "loony fundie". Even his Middle East policies are driven by his religious imperatives. This is dangerous, to say the least. And frankly, I wouldn't care if the Democrats were offering up Mickey Mouse and Bozo the Clown on their Presidential ticket - they'd still get my vote this year, for this reason alone.

The Bush campaign's effort is the latest indication of its heavy bet on churchgoers in its bid for re-election.

(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

00:00 /Politics | 2 comments | permanent link

Hail Mani
The full moon last evening inspired me, and I wrote this little poetic prayer to Mani (the Moon). I have been amazed by the repsonse this has gotten since I posted it to the Our Meadhall mailing list, and so I figured I'd post it here as a Common Domain document.

Besides, it's a pretty good poem, if I do say so myself!

Hail Mani!

Hailsa Mani! full and bright,
fill my pastures with your light!
Ward my flocks and guard my herds,
Hear you now adoring words!

Hailsa Mani! full and bright,
bane of foes who hide in Night!
Silver orb above the fields,
for whom danger always yields!

Hailsa Mani! full and bright,
guard my steading with your might!
When you go the Sun will rise,
and fill again the fair, blue skies!

Hailsa Mani! Heed my prayer,
in the Well another layer,
in my life another day
for these simple things I pray!

©2003 Daithi M. Haxton

00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link

Microsoft Edges Into ITunes' Turf

If I were Apple, I wouldn't be losing any sleep over this prospect. Microsoft may have a huge lead in the installed base, and an overwhelming advantage in the corporate world, but they also have all the cool factor of Elmer Fudd.

The new Windows Media Player 10 works with a wide range of portable devices and digital music subscription services. But the real power move comes later this year, when Microsoft launches its own online music store. By Katie Dean.

(link) [Wired News]

00:00 /Technology | 2 comments | permanent link