When the weather in Marengo, Indiana makes it to the BBC UK edition, you know it must have been pretty interesting weather. It was. Over the entire state, I might add, with Indianapolis sustaining the most property damage.
Tornadoes and severe weather in the US Midwest destroy hundreds of homes and kill at least eight.
(link) [BBC News | World | UK Edition]00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
I believe that this tale shows the relative political power between geeks and NASCAR fans...
Can't get the trouble codes out of your car's computer? Congress wants to help. I think it's odd that they think it's your God-given right to reverse-engineer your car, but not your XBox. Why aren't the automakers bashing these third-party code readers over the head with the DMCA while they still can?
(link) [Slashdot]00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
I've mentioned these kinds of efforts before: it never ceases to amaze me when folks automatically look to "advanced technology" for solutions when often the answer is exceedingly simple: in this case: stop feeding ruminants meat products!
Kirin Brewery Company, as part of its joint project with Hematech LLC to develop a cow that can produce human antibodies, has succeeded in producing a cow fetus in which neither bovine antibody gene1 nor the gene for the prions2 that are the cause of BSE are present. The process developed utilizes cells derived from bovine embryos that continuously destroy the bovine genes for antibodies and prions. This is the first successful production of a cell that continuously destroys two differing genes, and the first time that a cow fetus with these characteristics has been created through cell nuclear transfer.
(link) [Science Blog]00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link