Gee, isn't it Clear Channel who's buying up all local stations, creating a monopoly with the blessings of Congress and the FCC ? Seems as though they can't buy satellite radio, so now they're going to try to do what any monoploy does when faced with competitors - legislate them out of business!
In the latest attempt by a big corporation with a failing business model to win by legislation and not in the marketplace, ClearChannel is whining to the FCC about XM Radio's recent foray into localized traffic and weather reports.
(link) [Slashdot]00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, well, well... it seems as though despite well-publicized opposition to any sort of international court, the US has allowed the camel's nose into the tent after all: via the North American Free Trade Agreement.
When even the winning lawyers are uncomforatble with the construct, it's time for all of us to pay a bit of attention.
Any Canadian or Mexican business that contends it has been treated unjustly by the American judicial system can ask the tribunal to review the judgement.
(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link