At the same time - more bad news for those who'd rather not know the origins of their sausage - the litter from chicken coops (grain, feathers, and manure) still can be swept up and fed to cattle under the new regulations. "The major concern in feeding rendered cattle remains to other animals," says Dr. Greger, "is that the cattle remains may directly, or indirectly, find their way back into cattle feed, which could potentially spark a British-style outbreak of mad-cow disease."
What manner of morons are running these operations? Who in their right mind would feed chicken droppings to cattle? The mind boggles ...
Greater consumer protections could result from heightened scrutiny of industry practices.
(link) [Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
Furthermore, I will do whatever I can to urge others NOT to subscribe to your service, which, while certainly superior to many others, has now placed itself into the company of those who wish to destroy American technical dominance.
Be well, but be gone,
Dave Haxton
The Internet service provider is laying off most of its call-center employees and outsourcing the work to domestic and overseas companies.
(link) [CNET - Front Door]00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Will this save radio? We'll see ... but if it slows down or doesn't catch on with consumers, expect to see an FCC mandate that all new receivers be digital, just like they did for HDTV.
In a rollout that's being compared to the birth of FM, traditional broadcasters will fill the airwaves with CD-quality audio and souped-up information services. And, unlike satellite radio, it's free.
(link) [Wired News]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link