I'll also be posting this locally, and syncing remotely. Manually right now, but if all goes well I should be able to just launch a cron job at boot time and have basic Radio functionality using open source software. Pretty slick, if I do say so myself. Gory details to follow.
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A little investigation via Google brought up the fact that this behavior is quite intentional: XML is not a forgiving spec, and if a network error or some other bit gets boogered, Amphetadesk, quite compliantly, barfs.
This is unacceptable.
I don't care who made the error - Slashdot, Amphetadesk or XML. I just want to read my damn news feed!
I have a feeling that the real problem here is with the rigidity of the XML spec itself: Radio seemed to be duplicating the Wired feed rather habitually, and other aggregators that I've looked at have had other, equally esoteric problems.
According to one mailing list missive I found floating about, Amphetadesk only started really trying hard to comply with the XML standard in the most recent version. I may download some older models and see if they work any better: if not I'll have to find another solution or roll my own aggregator. Which seems like a real shame.
Kevin and Rene are coming over for dinner this evening - we're having goulash and playing euchre/drinking mead until who knows when? Should be a fun time.
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