Strange stuff

Strange stuff ...

Palace Ghost Caught on Security Camara [from CNN]

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What's the world coming to?

What's the world coming to? A factually toned, nearly blabber-free, article in The Register ... pretty good, too.

Why Real sued Microsoft. Analysis Future battles beyond the PC [The Register]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

I Need a Humor Category

I really do need a 'humor' category! This'd fit nicely!

Morons ... I give the first CD encoded this way three hours on the open market before it shows up on Kazaa, and the protocol itself three days before it's cracked digitally.

No, Really, You Can't Copy These. Philips Electronics is about to launch a new digital rights management system. They say encoded songs can be played anywhere on any device, but absolutely cannot be copied. Hackers, take note. [Wired News]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link