This bit on "off shoring" (moving technical jobs overseas to save money): Outsourcing's offshore myth from CNet so infuriated me that I had to write a response.
It turned into quite the rant, so I moved it into my stories section as it was just too lengthy to fit properly on the front page as a post.
Here's the link: On Off Shore
00:00 /Politics | 1 comment | permanent link
Who wouldn't be befuddled in this morass?
Film Fans Befuddled by Copyright. Martial arts movie junkies currently need a black belt in copyright law to determine when and where it is legal to buy foreign versions of U.S.-distributed films. Some movie buffs are fighting back. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Here's some news and no mistake:
Trees soak up lagoons full of hog manure
Which will make it easier to close down the 1700 enviromental disasters in North Carolina known as manure lagoons which are awaiting cleanup treatment. Who knows how many of these pestholes exist nationally? The standard treatment is to scoop the stuff out and spray it on fields, then fill in the hole. Messy, and it takes a long time for the soil to recover. Using the trees, it's just cover and run, and the land can be reused in a decade or so.
Of course, the real solution to the problem of hog manure lagoons is not to raise hogs in dark, dank, disease infested confinement barns in the first place! Pasture them - they're healthier, we're healthier, our enviroment is healthier and the cost difference is minimal or even cheaper (we sell bacon from our free ranged, pastured hogs for $2.50 to $3 per pound - less than most of the supermarket brands).
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, I would've asked for one of these for Yule, but according to the page they're all out of stock.
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link