Pagan Temple in Akranes?
Members of the ‘Ásatrú’ (pagan) religious group have expressed their
interest in raising a temple in Akranes (southwest Iceland) for their own worship. Temples to worship the ancient Norse gods have not been
constructed in Iceland for a thousand years. Artist Haukur Halldórsson
came up with the idea of the temple and has already made a model of it. It is circular, with symbols from Eddic poetry on doors and walls.
According to the Akranes Town Council, a formal application for the temple has not been received, but the matter has been discussed and has received a positive response.
[Original source is unknown - I cribbed it from a post to a Heathen email list (and the poster is usually a very reliable source, but there are no "real" news refs that I can find. I'll keep my eyes open, though!]
00:00 /Asatru | 1 comment | permanent link
The Register gets letters ....
Why Indiana and New Jersey were right. The smart money stays at home
[The Register]
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Just what the world needs ....
Big Mouth Billy Bass Videoconferencing [Slashdot]
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
There's a bit more to this than meets the CNet eye ... the savings to the state from outsourcing this would have been minimal at best, but the real problem was that the bidding was set up to essentially force the work overseas. Local firms were just chopped off at the knees, despite (as rumor has it) two bids that were actually lower than the "winner". The investigation into how this came about is just getting underway - I wouldn't be surprised to see some conflict of interest somewhere along the line.
It didn't help, politically, that the systems to be outsourced were for unemployment insurance!
But hey - somebody local is gonna get some work! And around here, that's a good thing!
Indiana nixes offshore deal to protect jobs. The state of Indiana calls off a contract for software development it awarded to a foreign company, in a move the state says is aimed at safeguarding local jobs. [CNET - Front Door]
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Indo-European languages came from Turkey
Evolutionary biologists have waded into the stormy debate over when and where Indo-European languages originated.
Their findings were reported in today's issue of the journal Nature and support the theory that Indo-European languages arose around this time among farming communities in Anatolia, now known as Turkey.
Marija Gimbutas must be spinning in her grave ....
[from ABC Science Online via rougeclassicism]
00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link