
Well, we can flush again! You have no idea how annoying a serious septic problem is until you have one ....

Seems like I spent all day dealing with shit - cleaned the rabbit hutches, cleaned the hen house, filled in where the septic guys had repaired the drain tile.

In fact, given my "unemployed" status,it seems like this entire week has been shit.

But at least I can flush!

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Some things you just never forget

Just as an historical aside, 40 years ago today, at slightly past noon, I was sitting in a doctors office. My mom was very worried - the preliminary diagnosis was nephritis - a variety of lupus. In 1963 it was a death sentence.

The radio stopped playing an an announcer said the president had been shot and killed in Dallas. All the adults started crying: I remember asking my mom where Dallas was...

Some things you just never forget.

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