Another UN Power Grab

I think you could subtitle this "In through the back door ..."

Treaty casts shadow on Webcast rights A United Nations committee on Wednesday approved the world's first Webcasting treaty, which has drawn criticism that it limits the use of works that are in the public domain. [CNET News]

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Land Sharks

different strings links a very interesting report this morning on the activities of Land Sharks.

As I pointed out in a comment over there, these kinds of things go on all the time locally, often not involving persons of national stature, but just as damaging to the victims nonetheless. It's gotta be stopped: the power of eminent domain must not be misused for personal gain, and when it is, it must be ruthlessly stamped out - preferably by being made a criminal offense.

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Just in time for Veteran's Day .... ungrateful bastards....

U.S. Opposes Funds for Gulf War P.O.W.'s. The Bush administration is seeking to block a group of U.S. troops who were tortured in 1991 from collecting any of the frozen Iraqi assets that they won in a court ruling. By Philip Shenon. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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