Coding fashion

Who'd of thunk it? Coding fashions ...

I guess after you've done something for 25+ years, you just kinda get jaded to the comings and goings of fads. I would only add one item to their list of fads, and that's C#. Anyhting that's vendor specific will be fashionable only so long as that vender is in business and chooses to support/advance it. Of course it helps that the vendor in this case is Microsoft, dominant monoply. But the 'sharp' will lose it's edge someday, right along with VB.Net (or anything 'dot Net').

Software Fashion [Slashdot]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Newest Audio CD DRM Proves Ineffective

No duh! If you can play it, you can copy it.

Newest Audio CD DRM Proves Ineffective [Slashdot]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Zero Tolerance Dress Code

I need to set up a new category for "Sheer Stupidity". This bit certainly qualifies:

Zero Tolerance Dress Code

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link


A rather interesting day here - took a lunch break to go get my mom's cat from the vet and take her home to momma. On the road, Kris calls and asks if I could pick up a couple of thirty amp screw base fuses.

We're re-doing our mud porch, and it seems her dad, in his haste , neglected to turn off a fuse panel before attempting to move it out flush with the new wall. To quote the old Batman show: "Zap! Pow! Zowie!"

So of course they assumed they blew out the fuse. I picked up a couple on my way home, but when I went to replace them I noticed that the originals weren't blown. In fact, power was still up at the house, but very strangely. The battery backups were going off like crazy - Kris had downed all the system except the router (we have ISDN as our primary phone source). If you turned on the dining room light, the kitchen light dimmed. Power saws would not spin up to speed. We were 'browned out'. But why?

I quickly came to the conclusion that the little short had backed up the line, probably shorting out the transformer. I called REMC, a tech was dispatched, and he concurred. Unfortunately he was not in a line truck, so another team was dispatched.

And the transformer was fine.

Many hours and much noodling later, it turns out that there was a faulty connection on the break out to our security light, which basically left half of our incoming circuit hanging - at best it was intermittent, at worst it was just gone. Very, very strange, and stranger still was the tech's assurance that it was nothing that my father in law had done to cause it: it was 'just a coincidence'.

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Monument to Bigotry

Well, it looks like Casper, WY is finding out the real downside of allowing "religious monuments" on public property:

Phelps To Erect Matthew Shepard Monument

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link