Cool Apples

Well, like love, "cool don't pay the rent". But it's still pretty cool!

'Cool Hunters' Like Apple's Shine. Apple Computer's market share may be slim compared with the likes of Microsoft and Dell, but youth marketing experts say the company is the height of cool among young consumers. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link


The piece presents The Simple Cure To ID Theft - Trust.

It would also slow SPAM, 'real' junk mail, telemarketer annoyances, and a host of other modern ills.

From Moore's Lore

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Selling iTunes Music

This is going to decide if the first sale doctrine applies to digital media - what a way to test it! With a $0.99 song from iTunes!

iTunes auction treads murky legal ground. In a move that could spark a novel legal test of Internet music resale rights, a Web developer puts a digital song he purchased on Apple's iTunes up for auction on eBay. [CNET]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

SMS Ganesh

If you're Jewish, you can send a fax to God. Now the Hindu's have a similar service available:

Why wait in line when you can SMS Ganesh?. Texting God [The Register]

Maybe Asgard needs a voice mail system ....???

00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link


Still selling fleece! Four more today, and we're better than halfway thru our stock! And to think that this was just destined to be wasted - burned, composted, whatever.

I heard back from a buyer in FL - she got her parcel today, and was washing. She commented on how white the white turned out - it does clean up nice! And her only real negative comment was on the "plain onld dirt) - not "dingleberries" or even VM (vegetable matter - straw, hay, grass, etc.). Just dirt.

She also commented on how the fleece smelled - "alot different than my apartment smell!". I'll bet she's right, too! It smells like it just came from a barnyard, because, well, it did!

This is the first time in over 25 years that I've been selling a "real" product - not just some bastard form of "intellectual property" or consulting services. And it feels really good, too. There's an objective quality to selling a real thing - it's obviously either as advertised or not, there's no real subjective judgement involved.

The farm broke even for August - first month it's not run in the red since we started operations in the spring. And that feels pretty good, too.

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link