Work all week ... work all weekend. Only difference is that by Friday night my brain hurts, whereas on Sunday evening it's my arms (and legs, and back) that are killing me.
Maybe I feel like actually writing something later ... after the Advil kicks in.
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
Perhaps couputer science courses in the US should be more closely coupled in the US with 'Hindi as a Second Language' ....
News You Missed: No Raise for You [from Moore's Lore]
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
If you're curious about large scale, fault tolerant filesystem design, this is a paper for you. Otherise ... well, if you read it it bed, it'll probably help you get to sleep.
The Design Of The Google File System [Slashdot]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Interesting that this debate is taking place in Britain - it's happening here, too, but at a much lower volume.
I can't get broadband where I live - it's not available. I'm on ISDN instead, and have been satisfied with the results. And that's a good thing, because at the rate of infrastructure development here, I'll never have broadband.
Broadband vital to rural economy - e-envoy. Sheep-worrying stuff [The Register]
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
Stop the presses! I'm shocked, shocked to discover that Micro would even be suspected of behavior such as described herein!
Author of Paper Critical of Microsoft is Fired [Slashdot]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Mihi placent, O Pincerna!
Virent ova! Viret perna!
Dapem posthac non arcebo.
Gratum tibi me praebebo.
Linked from [rogueclassicism]
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
A visitor stopping by last night seemingly expected to find a bit of a rant of the current telemarketing legal fiasco.
I tried, but it got much too long for a post, so I turned it into a "story" - my first. It's posted here. Enjoy. Or not ...
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
I like it. I even like the "brushed aluminium" interface scheme, as opposed to the Aqua pinstrips.
Apple Doin' the Logo-Motion. The world-famous Apple logo is getting a new look. Purists may not approve, but the designer of the original Apple logo, Rob Janoff, likes what he sees. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
OK, you really can find anything on the Internet!
May we present The Virtual Stapler Museum.
00:00 /Humor | 1 comment | permanent link
This tale [from Moore's Lore] is both funny and sad ... not to mention all too true.
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Gotta love a headline like that ....
Reliance On MS A Danger To National Security [Slashdot]
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
One word: STUPID!
Where Did Dewey File Those Law Books?. Who knew that someone owned the Dewey Decimal System? Apparently not the owners of the Library Hotel, nestled in the shadow of the New York Public Library. By Michael Luo. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
We've mentioned this before, but this is the first time that they've exercised their legal muscle to extort a license. And make no mistake: extortion is their game. Acacia's not innovators, engineers or even entertainers: they're lawyers, and they're out to suck the lifeblood from the rest of the economy.
Patent holder unplugs porn network. A holding company with a stack of streaming media patents briefly shuts down a network of pornography Web sites in an ominous sign for mainstream providers of streaming Web content. [CNET - Front Door]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Here's a hilarious take on the Verisign brouhaha. [from Moore's Lore]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
A new way to spell chutzpah : v-e-r-i-s-i-g-n...
VeriSign Responds To ICANN's SiteFinder Advisory [Slashdot]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link