Out of the Catalog

What a marvelous bit of insanity! Like the Slashdot poster asks, "How long will it be before libraries can't catalog books?" The DMCA has got to go!

Google Removes Links in Response to DMCA Complaint [Slashdot]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Last Fart in Stockholm

I was amazed to find the story (below) about the lemonade stand in St. Paul, Minnesota, already on Secular Blasphemy when I checked my Blogroll - but even worse was the link he had to this:

Last Fart at the Swedish National Bank

Aren't a lot of Minnesotans ethnic Swedes?

00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link

Licensed Lemonade

Kris and I escaped from The People's Republic of Minnesota in 2000, back to our Indiana homeland in the United States. I still (technically) work in Minnesota: I telecommute as a programmer and systems analyst from my home in the Hoosier Heartland to a suburb of the Twin Cities. Several folks (who have vacationed "up North") have asked us why we would leave such a beautiful place, especially as we're not particularly adverse to winter weather.

This article (from the Minneapolis Red Star Tribune) explains it all perfectly:

No License? No Pop Stand!

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

River People

Here is a very nice feature from The Washington Post ( I found the link on My Apple Menu):

River People

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link