Well, an interesting evening: we went to Mel's Drive-In in Mechanicsburg, IN to see the new Lara Croft movie. Only $12 for a carload, and we could've stayed and seen Terminator III, if we could've avoided being eaten by the mosquitos before the movies ended...
Pretty good movie, from what I could see. I'd forgotten how tough it was to see night scenes at outdoor venue's! And the music (piped into your car via low power FM) seemed to get louder and softer for no apparent reason at all.
A fun trip back in time - after the original Star Wars came out a buddy and I went to the drive-in in Boonville every night for a month to see it. Of course, we had numerous alcoholic beverages along, and other goodies, so most of the time we were pretty out of it after the opener (King Kong). Oh well....
I'll get the DVD and really watch the movie!
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
A very interesting idea. Remember Racter?
Darwinian Poetry: From Bad to Verse [Slashdot]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
As if their goose wasn't cooked already, they've decided to kill it off once and for all. This should do it ...
PKWare Files a Patent Application for Secure .zip [Slashdot]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link