Ye gods! Microsoft Reaearch, after all those billions, may have finally come up with a good thing:
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Three years ago, having just moved back to the Hoosier State from our foray to Minnesota, I experimented with a GPS guided robotic garden tractor - the primary benefit wasn't elimination of soil compaction, but elimination of farming drudgery... oh well. If they try to patent this one I can prove prior art....
Satellite Driven Farming Equipment [Slashdot]
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
Feeling distracted, disorganized? Trouble waiting your turn in line? Fidgety?
Well, down a brewski or two to relax and you'll end up an alcoholic, with your liver falling out no doubt! And if you smoke a joint to calm down, you go to jail!
So why not try Eli Lilly's new, legal drug for Adult ADD, which is obviousy your real problem....
From the perspective of this writer, the sole difference between the three poffered solutions to the stress of modern living is the price and the control - attention deficit disorder, indeed! Bullshit!
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, apparently the dam has burst since the loss by Verizon ...
RIAA Obtains Subpoenas Against File Swappers [Slashdot]
RIAA nails 1,000 music-lovers in 'new Prohibition' jihad. And you're next [The Register]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link