I wonder how many rapists and murderer's they'll have to release to be able to hold these dangerous felons....
Upload a File, Go to Prison. Two congressmen introduce a bill to criminalize the uploading of copyright works to peer-to-peer networks. The penalty: five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Critics say the law goes too far. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
More patent insanity ....
Broad patents on streaming media upheld. A California court finds that a little-known company may have a legitimate stake in just about every kind of streaming media, from Internet multimedia to in-demand cable. [CNET News.com]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Ran across a wonderful esssay, Working with Death from MSNBC. Read it.
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It was a BEAUTIFUL day - clear, 75 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and only the lightest of breezes. I spent most of the afternoon outdoors - hence the lack of posts. I did manage to ship my latest project off to my employer this morning - had to finish the help file, and I just pooped out doing it about 1 am, so I cleaned it up this morning.
We got the last of the construction lumber left over from the remodel last year burned! Whew! We sure had a mess of it - kinda hated doing it after I doscovered that I was disturbing the home of, of, a dozen or so snakes! They really like the flat boards.
But after I moved them away and got them burning the chickens had a field day. You would have thought an "Old Country Buffet" for hens had just opened - imagine all the chitin coated goodies that were lurking under that old wood!
Now to read the news: maybe something's happening out there! Who knows?
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
The Boston Globe is running a story, German Leads Bastille Day Parade that contains a bit of an untruth ...
"In a gesture of European unity, a German general led France's Bastille Day military parade yesterday for the first time."
It should read "for the first time since 1944."
How quickly some forget ....
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link