Well, it's a pretty clear cut case of infringement, all right - but by an Amazon merchant, not Amazon itself. Methinks that Mr. Gate's & Company are going to run headlong in the DMCA here - a bill they pushed hard for in 1998. And so it goes ...
Corbis Sues Amazon for Copyright Infringement [Slashdot]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, some lawsuits may be completely out of line, but others are, if anything, understated.
If this had happened to one of my kids, I think I'd be demanding a bit more than $4.2m .... like, oh, say, the responsible party's head on a platter!
[from CBS]
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
Gotta love the Stella Awards. Here's an excerpt:
Hazel Norton of Rolling Fork, Miss., read there was a class action
suit against the drug Propulsid, which her doctor had prescribed to
her for a digestive disorder. Despite admitting that "I didn't get
hurt by Propulsid," Norton thought "I might get a couple of thousand
dollars" by joining the lawsuit. When her doctor was named in the
suit, he quit his Mississippi practice -- where he was serving the
poor. He left with his wife, a pediatrician and internist. That left
only two doctors practicing at the local hospital. So while Norton
wasn't harmed by the drug, all her neighbors now get to suffer from
drastically reduced access to medical care because of her greed.
Go subscribe to this: it's great! They also offer other nifty email lists, all for free, and their ironclad privacy policy is one that should be emulated by other Internet mailing lists, merchants, well, everybody!
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, this made my day! I realize that this (the ban on GMO's) probably couldn't be maintained, and that, as it stands, there's still some strident labelling requirements. But I can't help feeling that folks do not understand the issues with GMO's, or even with biotechnology in general. We're playing at being gods here: I only hope we understand the rules of the game ...
Euro vote ends GM food ban. The European parliament passes controversial laws that in effect lift a ban on genetically modified foods. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link