Here's an interesting bit of history:
Thomas Edison, Intellectual Property and the Recording Industry
[Secular Blasphemy]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
File this under "Chilling Effects" ....
ReplayTV puts ad skipping on pause. The company's new digital video recording boxes won't include some of the tools that have angered copyright holders. [CNET]
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
For how can a man die better,
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods.
-- Thomas Babbington Macaulay
[from The Wondering Minstrels - it's #489]
00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, we now have chickens running about the farmyard... as any good farm should, I suppose. Only I never thought I see it here, because Kris was so dead set against it! I mean she was adamant - absolutely NO chickens!
But once we started eating the neighbors produce (great brown eggs, fresh chicken for the roaster ...) she decided she had to have some.
So she cleaned out the old chicken coop in the east pasture, and with Kevyn's help built some nests and roosts. He brought over six hens, and lo, we're in the poultry business...
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link