Relinking the Matrix

If you've seen The Matrix Reloaded and want to read some interesting speculation on it's meaning, check out this set of links from Secular Blasphemy.

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Novell Challanges SCO

I've mentioned this rather transparent lawsuit here in previous posts - now it's getting real interesting:

Novell challenges SCO's Linux claims. The second of four companies to own Unix rights takes issue with the rights infringement claims that SCO Group is making against Linux. [CNET]

This report has a very strong statement by Bruce Perens:

Novell Claims Ownership of UNIX System V [Slashdot]

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Fixed Price Patent

Ohmigosh! I've infringed a patent! I offer goods for sale at at fixed price! It's patented!

Some things are beyond stupid ....

Jury: eBay guilty of patent infringement. A federal jury determines that eBay infringed on two patents and orders the online auction giant to pay $35 million in damages. [CNET]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Criminal Copy Protection

GREAT piece of writing by the auhor of Small Pieces, Loosely Joined.

Copy Protection Is a Crime. Digital-rights management sounds fine on paper, but Wired magazine's David Weinberger explains why it's not just pirates who should balk at the idea. [Wired News]

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