MPAA Says No Way to Dynamic Pricing Model

The MPAA complains bitterly about 'piracy' and then turns around and refuses to allow innovations in a business model that would lower prices for consumers. Hmmm, and I always though 'monopoly' had eight letters ....

Low Cost Cinema Through Dynamic Pricing [Slashdot]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link


Well, we have an escape artist in our pasture: Tup! So tomorrow we're going to be adding some new fence, and repairing some old fence. It promises to be a long weekend ....

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M$ Into Music Biz
Microsoft prepares reply to iTunes. As the recording industry swoons over Apple's 99 cent download store, the software giant renews its bet on more-advanced subscription services. [CNET]

Of course, this will do everything, including press your pants, at half the price, with double the virii and other security problems... and it'll all be OEM'd to the RIAA, so they have to answer tech support calls! Ah, Micro .....

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link


This was bound to happen ....

Open Source Music [Slashdot]

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