Patented Seeds

If a farmer does not own the seeds his crop produces, what exactly does he own? This is a critical case, not only for the insane extension of patent law into realms where it was never intended to go, but also for farmers everywhere. A win by Monsanto could literally eradicate farming as we've known it for 10,000 years ....

Monsanto Plant Patent Case Winds On [Slashdot]

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link


Ran into a quiz on The Hestia Chronicles tonight and just had to take it for myself .....

You are a Recon

You are a Reconstructionist. I'm guessing you took
this quiz to either prove to yourself that
you're not a fluffy Pagan like your younger
brothers and sisters, or in the hopes that you
could laugh your @** off at the silliness of
Pagans in general. In any case, I hope you
found what you're looking for.

How fluffy a Pagan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link

DivX Comes Back

Just nuts! Do these guys remember DivX? That really went places (like down the toilet) ....

This DVD Will Self-Destruct. Disney found a way to rent DVDs without needing a system to get the discs back. Using self-destruction technology, Disney will begin 'renting' DVDs this August that become unplayable after two days and do not have to be returned. [Wired News]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Kitties in the Wall

Another busy night last evening - one of our barn cats, Fracas, who had a litter of kittens, disappeared, apparently falling prey to a coyote. This left 5 starving kittens less than 5 weeks old.

Another momma cat, Baby, whose spring litter had prematurely expired from natural causes, adopted the kittens. Except for one: Fracas had chosen a stall wall as the perfect hiding place for her litter, and one of the kittens had grown too big to get out the way the others did, and was too small to climb like like her mother had! Kinda reminded me of the story about the guy who built the sailboat in his basement, and had to tear his house down to get it out....

So we were faced with a choice - listen to the horrible mewling of a dying kitten for a couple of days everytime we went to the barn, or take down the wall we had constructed last fall (using 9 inch pole barn nails, incidentially) and resuce the little bugger. We chose the latter course.

Finally got the panels removed about 1 am..... finally retrieved the kitten about 2. All I can say is that Baby had best take good care of that one - it too me another two hours today to refit the panel and reseat the base flashing. What a pain in the ass!

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link