Standard Peanut Butter

I wonder how much it cost the taxpayers to set this idiotic "standard" ...???

NIST Peanut Butter Standard Spreads Quality When Used [Science Blog]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

A New Powerbook

Well, Rhiannon graduated, Mom's getting better and I went and did something I've been threatening to do for a year. I got myself a new laptop. In fact, I entering this on it right now.

OK, so I'm going to rave again. But after using this little beauty for a day, I can only hope that the USS Clueless live's up to it's name. This machine is one of the sweetest little beasties I've ever had the pleasure of typing on.

The bundled "iApps" are supurb. I only had one minor glitch when setting up and the machine recovered flawlessly. The new netorking technology got me connected to all my net's in no time, with no effort on my part. It's sweet.

I got Office on it too .... as I'm getting more and more into writing and web developement I figured it was pretty much a no brainer to go ahead and get the premier word processor, even if it is a Microsoft product.

It's going to go to sleep in a minute (I'm calibrating the battery) so I must finish this post up. But there'll be lot's more to tell over the next few entries about this...

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Swapping Bytes

I'm shocked, shocked I say to discover that Microsoft may be copying featrues from the "other company" .... Microsoft is, after all, the source for all innovation in the computer industry, no?

Microsoft Bites Apple, Apple Bites Back [Slashdot]

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