The Network As Computer

The Network may be the Computer, but apparently it's owned by it's content ....

RIAA flames Sun. Networked computers causing trouble [The Register]

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O'Reilly's Restores Founder's Copyright

Spotted this welcome news several places today. At least one major publisher understands the critical cultural need to preserve the public domain.

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Cheap Audio Production

I'll put this in Technology, but it's really gonna effect the RIAA gang and their drive towards total copy protection if this gets really big. I've seen the home version of the tool described, and can only marvel that it's taken the "pros" this long to get the picture.

Cheap Audio Production [Slashdot]

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Underground Ag

The Guardian has an interesting article on 'agriculture' (of a sort): With pot and porn outstripping corn, America's black economy is flying high. Here's a teaser:

A society that can punish a marijuana offender more severely than a murderer is caught in the grip of a deep psychosis. Black markets will always be with us. But they will recede in importance when the public morality is consistent with our private one. The underground is a good measure of the progress and the health of nations. When much is wrong, much needs to be hidden.

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