The Philosopher of Islamic Terror

The Philosopher of Islamic Terror

A fascinating but very long read from the New York Times Magazine (registration required) about Sayyid Qutb, the theologian behind most of the Islamist movements.

The truly dangerous element in American life for Qutb wasn't capitalism or foreign policy or women's independence. It was America's separation of church and state.

Very scary stuff .... especially for an old Heathen like me. Asatrurar (and other pagans) have absolutely no place in this worldview - except to be converted or exterminated.

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A Rant

All I can say to this is "Well said!"

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Plumbing the Depths

Well, we found the septic tank - we actually have one! That's a good thing, too. We honestly weren't sure, given the age of the house and the conditions we know about with our neighbors. So now we're just waiting on the "honey-dippers" .... what a job that would be! I think I'll stick to writing code!

I sure hope that this cures our remaining plumbing problems - I don't think anything gets my goat quite like plumbing.

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Catnip Kills Termites

Catnip stops termites dead in their tracks [Science Blog]

This has been dismissed as an "old wives tale" for many years now - it's why farmhouses, silos and barns are often surrounded by catnip bushes. It repels carpenter ants too - or at least it did in a previous residence of mine. Of course ---

In its current form, catnip oil isn't something you can start using right away against termites in your own house. "Catnip oil has not been investigated for safety or efficacy, so I can't tell anyone to use catnip oil in their house to repel termites," Peterson noted

Makes me wonder about "science", sometimes ....

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link

Make My Day

Angry tobacco farmer erupts in court [CNN US]

Gotta love the opening line of the last paragraph in this story:

Watson's cause is unclear. A government official told CNN Watson appeared upset by the settlement of the lawsuit between tobacco companies and several states and by federal policies on tobacco subsidies.

All of which will combine to erase his family farm. You don't have to be a tobacco farmer or even a smoker to understand the impact of wildly varying government policies that seem to shift depending on which way the wind blows. The subsidies assist the big farmer, the payout from the tobacco companies rolls down to all farmers. If the so called "fat lawsuits" ever get anywhere (and I've a sinking feeling that they will) then all of us who still till the soil will feel the impact.

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link