Methinks Mr. Robertson now understands more fully why the platform is often referred to as the 'Wintel' platform ...
Lindows CEO attacks Intel's Centrino Linux lockout. [The Register]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
According to this New York Times article Californians are feeling alienated from the rest of America. They're
... longing for President Clinton, a Hollywood favorite, who, the reasoning goes, would never have allowed a war to play havoc with Oscar night, one of the state's most hallowed traditions.
As if I needed another reason to avoid the Left Coast ....
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
This is interesting for two reasons: first is the (rather) low price paid for Linksys, who is a major player in consumer and small office networking gear. The second is the acquistion by Cisco recently of Signalworks.
Together, these move place Cisco in a position to challenge for dominance in an emergent VoIP market - assuming regulators and lawmakers not beholden to traditional telcos ever let that market emerge. Here's the full story ...
Cisco heads home with Linksys buy. The networking giant says it plans to acquire Linksys, a manufacturer of networking gear for consumers, in a stock deal valued at $500 million. [CNET]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Revolution is not an AOL Keyword
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link