
Want a big hint about what's wrong with the culture in this country? Check here.

Not only is the radio segment under discussion absolutely disgusting, but to base a TV show on it!? And then to sue for an "original idea" being "stolen"??!! Excuse me, but 13 year old boys (and grown men who've never progressed much past that stage in their life emotionally or mentally, such as Mr. Stern) have been having these kind of "ideas" for generations - the only thing new about this is that it's apparently "respectable" in some social segments.

My, my, my .... 'nuff said.

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Sorry (mostly to myself, as I'm not sure anyone else reads this) for the lack of activity here in the last couple of days, but my ISP has been losing nameservers - beats me what's going on with it. It could be something in the way I have my router set up, but I doubt it. I haven't changed anything, and it just suddenly started flaking out.

Hopefully this will be resolved real soon now .... it's annoying, to say the least.

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