The Taliban Lives

For those who think the Taliban was destroyed in Afghanistan, I suggest this story over at Secular Blasphemy. I followed the links. Unbelieveable. Can you imagine how this guy would react to a 'heathen' like yours truely? Scary stuff.....

00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link

American Aristocracy

I want to run this story past all of those who complained about Dubya just being 'Daddies favorite' as the only reason he got into a position of power. The new American Aristocracy doesn't seem to know political lines - hell, what did Gore's father do for a living? Senator, eh?

But you know, I have to admit I'd be tickled pink if one of my girls decided to take up a career as a programmer or IT person - it is part of the natural order of things to desire that your children follow in your footsteps. It's just that I wouldn't expect my kids to pick up 6 figure jobs at 23.

Anyone who thinks that Ms. Clinton got this kind of position on her own merits, and not because of her family name, has obviously been smoking some of this....

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link