Some Swedes, including some rather prominent enviromentalist types, have decided that recycling is rubbish. They make some really good points, too. I know for us, way out here in the boondocks, recycling can definately be more ecologically expensive than burning. Why? Because we'd have to drive about 40 miles to haul our stuff to the nearest recycling center. Of course, the real answer is to reuse the stuff yourself, which is what farmers have been doing since the dawn of agriculture.
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
CNet has a report from a conference on Digital Rights Management that provides some real insights into exactly how copyright (and patent) law stifles innovation and hurts creativity. And, perhaps surprisingly, most folks agree that this is an issue. Getting to a solution, however, may be more problematic.
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Dell CIO Says "Unix is Dead" [Slashdot]
Yeah, right.
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
According to this article from the Guardian the Pope want the new EU Constitution to mention - guess who?
What a load of hooey! This guy should read about the conversion, including the 35,000 Saxons murdered by Charlemange because they refused to see his vision of "truth, justice, good and beauty". Maybe he should ask some of the victims of the Inquistion for their opinion on this - they were just as Europena as he, after all, well, until his predecessors killed them!
00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link