Blackmail by any other name

In another day and age this would have been called "blackmail" ...

Streaming patent claims go to court. Acacia Media Technologies, a company owning broad patents that could affect virtually all companies streaming audio or video online, is going to court for the first time to test its claims. By John Borland, Staff Writer, CNET [CNET]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Ten Years

It was ten years ago today that I stood with three others [my future bride, Kris Uhler, Keith Sauers and his future bride, Lea Carpenter] in a clearing north of my cabin near German Ridge in the Hoosier National Forest and consecrated a harrow to Vali, founding the Kindred of Ravenswood. Tomorrow Ravenswood will toast Asgards' Archer again, at the same stone harrow, albeit at its third location.

So, I offer you the Toast of The Kindred of Ravenswood - the final toast offered at each of our gatherings for a decade:

To Vali, To Vengence, To Honor, To Kin!

00:00 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link

Reinventing Rural

Un-plain ways to reinvent the Plains. In the search for a new vision for vanishing heartland, rural towns consider digital hubs, wind farms, and a 'buffalo commons.'[Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link

Single Number Systems

U.S. backs merging Net, phone numbers. The Bush administration is lending its support to an international proposal to map telephone numbers to Internet addresses. By Declan McCullagh, Staff Writer, CNET [CNET]

An interesting idea - one that we talked about in various telephony companies I've worked at over the years ..

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Selfish Routing

Hmmm.... Gotta wonder what my Objectivist friends would say to this....

'Selfish routing' slows the Internet [Science Blog]

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